Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Scream, You Scream

Walk #46

Today was quite the day of physical activity. 10 mile run, hour and a half of yoga and walk #46. Luckily, all of it was worth it!

I started after yoga, so naturally I was at the Sports Basement. There were a few more streets to weave to check of the whole section between So Van Ness and Potrero, so I decided to check those off. Also, with a little creative planning, I could make my way to Humphry Slocombe, which is exactly what I did. Cross Shotwell, Folsom and Treat streets between 14th and 24th of the map.

Deserving a treat after all this exercise, I got in the crazy line for ice cream. This is one popular ice cream shop! It was about a 15 minute wait and when it was finally my turn, it looked like they might be out of Open Hand FlufferNutter!! As the Fluffer Nutter, made from none other than Project Open Hand's own peanut butter, was the purpose for the ENTIRE EXCURSION I started to panic. I'm super glad it's popular but this is the second time I've tried to get it and I was starting to panic. Luckily, my sad face helped a new carton appear. It was an excellent combination of sweet and salty and neither the peanut butter nor the marshmallow fluff was over powering. It was a very mild flavor but really yummy!

After enjoying my two scoops, I began the long trek home. By this point I was feeling all of the days activities and was about to quit and hp on a bus. But as street stamp errors began to appear I decided to keep on course. And I'm pretty glad I did.

First, there was this:

Then things started to get turned around:
and again:
Now, many people have tried to argue that the reason for the street stamp errors is the potential street stampers might not speak English as their first language. Which is a valid hypothesis. However, I think the backwards letters/numbers help prove my hypothesis of street stampers not taking much pride in their work and just not paying attention. Or they're amusing themselves which I think is awesome.

Along the way, there were many other sights to see. A plea from a home owner which I can totally sympathize with, as our porch was also once used as a urinal.

And I was in the Mission, so of course there were some colorful murals. My favorite thing about this one is the man pushing the ice cream cart because twice while I was in line at HS he came by. I almost gave up on the Fluffernutter for an ice cream sandwich, but I stayed true. Next time, this guy totally gets my business.

And finally, a tribute to the hills of San Francisco. This is partly to show you the awesome bruin themed home,
and partly to show you the poor woman struggling to push her stroller up Castro.

And this was just awesome. The sign says "Abrupt Grade Change" as the street just drops off. Lots of squealing brakes here.

Total mileage: 8.16

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