Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Same same, but different . . .

Walk #9
It's Tuesday night, and I have the night off from the theater so that can only mean one thing: $2 Tuesday at City Tavern! Tonight I was good and didn't over indulge (on fries or beer - hooray) and I even stuck to my guns about walking home. Much to MJ's dismay . . .

The City Tavern is located at Greenwich and Fillmore which is EXACTLY where I started from yesterday so I shifted over
one block and took Steiner all the way to Haight. Along the way, I passed the Mrs. Doubtfire house ("it was a run-by fruiting!") I only knew it was here because once I was on the 22 bus (again coming home from the Tavern) with some tourists who got super stoked about it. Turns out, in the movie, they give the houses EXACT address. Crazy. Anyway here it is. Can you picture the scene where it's the kids birthday and there's a whole petting zoo out front? Maybe it's just me. Anyway, it was a fun point of interest on an otherwise uneventful hike up hill. That is until Randy joined me! Technically he cheated and MJ gave him a ride to the top of the hill (something about buying a specific brand of yogurt at the only store that sells it) but he saw me before the bus came so he officially gets a gold star for being the first one to accompany me on part of my journey. Yay Randy! It may be easy enough to get him to join me again, though we should probably go for beers AFTER we walk . . .
Did a bit of a wiggle once I hit Haight to cover some side streets before heading home.
Total mileage: 3.36

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