Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunburnt Feet

Walk #12

After leading a morning seminar at USF (for fellow Commuity Partners on how to host Advocates for
Community Engagement and Service-Learnering students) and a yummy lunch at Jannah with my own ACE, the fabulous ushers of the Orpheum Theater had their annual BBQ today in Marx Meadow, Golden Gate Park. With the tops of my poor feet badly sunburt from the previous days family funtime in Santa Cruz, I hit the pavement on a route I usually run.

I tried to hide in the shade of the Pan Handle but ran out of shade once I hit JFK Dr. in the park. Luckily it was a mere 2-mile walk. I really couldn't believe how far it actually was. It never seems that long when I run it, and let's face it I'm not exactly setting any speeding records when I'm "running." And yet walking seemed to take forever. Then again it may have seemed longer because I was worried about my feet.

I was so excited when I finally hit Crossover Drive and could hide in the shade under the bridge even for a moment. (What a wimp, right?) Luckily it wasn't much farther and once I reached the picnic, everyone was huddled in the shade so I got to spare my feet for a bit.

I had a great time hanging out with everyone, eating, playing Apples to Apples and listening to music. Something about the day made me really miss R-Siz and Jason, but I'm not sure what it was . . . .
Made a bee-line home (because I HAD to do laundry): Fulton to Stanyon to Oak.
Total mileage: 4.57

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