Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sunset & Parkside #1

Walk #30

New walking rule. In addition to not walking new routes on the way to work, and always carrying cash, I will ALWAYS carry a rain coat. Luckily, it only began to rain a few blocks from the zoo and the end of my walk, but it could've been much worse.

I started down Lincoln and was headed to the San Francisco Zoo where I did not go, but rather picked up Muni to get downtown and watch (read: be disappointed by) some Giant baseball.

Along Lincoln, I found this which at first glance is fine. But check out the '6'
It's actually the "8" but with a little creative design. This is one of the street stampers better efforts. Especially given that only I, in all of my street stamp OCDness, would notice.
This however is pretty blatant:
As I was decked out in orange, I was happy to find a lot of these along the way.

Hmmmmmm Baby!

Total mileage: 4.49

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